
Dollar Golf Club



On Tuesday 8th September, DREGGS 2020 in conjunction with former Dollar Ladies held a very successful golfing day at Milnathort Golf Club.
Thirteen Dreggs and thirteen Dollar Ladies played a Mixed Scramble in (mainly) sunny and sometimes warm conditions. All present agreed that it was a thoroughly enjoyable day and so good to meet up with the former Dollar golfing fraternity.
This was the third attempt to hold the event, the first in June being thwarted by the national lockdown and the second in late August being cancelled due to Storm Francis.
Martin Smith, President of the DREGGS expressed his thanks and admiration to Milnathort Golf Club for their forbearance in allowing the event to be postponed on two occasions. He also praised the bar and catering staff for the very welcome lunch provided after the golf.
The usual healthy but friendly rivalry was very much in evidence during the competition stage of the day with some excellent scores returned.

    Prize winners were:
  • Nearest the pin on 4th/13th holes - Ashley Leitch
  • Longest drive on 6th/15th - (Men). Alan Millar
  • Longest drive on 6th/15th - (Ladies) Elan Borrowman
  • Nearest the pin in two on 9th/18th - John Young (with the last putt of the day and yes he got a 3).

    Winners of the teams event were:
  • 1st: Davie Cowie, John Young, Janette McMillan & Mel Anderson with a gross 73 net 64
  • 2nd: Jerry Cant, Tom Dow, Di Dunning & Christine Hogg with a gross 75 net 66.2
  • 3rd: George Waddell, Scott Maxwell, Fiona David & Ashley Leitch with a gross 76 net 66.9

A special mention was given to Di Dunning for her liaison with Milnathort Golf Club and Elan Borrowman proposed a vote of thanks.

Martin also mentioned his intention to hold a DREGGS outing to Shawpark in October. Watch this space for further details

    Martin Smith - 8th September 2020
    President DREGGS

Members selected Tuesday the 8th October for the DREGGS Autumn Outing to Dunning Golf Club. The course was in first class condition and the weather dry and quite mild but strong gusting winds proved testing as did the bunkers to which Dollar members are unaccustomed. For all that it was an excellent day played in good spirit, enjoyed by all and with appreciation for the hospitality and excellent refreshments provided in the neat, cosy clubhouse before and after the golf.

First Second Third
George Waddell (14)
38 pts
Roger Sneddon (27)
37 pts
Terry Young (21)
36 pts

    Winners of the mini competitions were
  • Alan Millar � longest drive on 8th fairway.
  • George Waddell - nearest the pin on the 4th/13th green.
  • Michael O'Sullivan - Middle of the pack for outstanding mediocrity.
  • Charlie Norman - Nearest the tee on 1st/10th hole.
        Martin Smith - 8th October 2019
        President DREGGS

Members chose Thursday the 28th March for the DREGGS Spring Outing to the Falkirk/Tryst Golf Club. The weather was generally favourable depite a chilly start and a strong wind at times. However, overall it was an excellent day, the course was in good condition and compared to the DREGGS home course there was an amazing run on the ball. Altogether a pleasant outing enjoyed by seventeen members of the Dollar Retired & Elderly Gentlemen's Golf Society.

First Second Third
Jerry Cant (14)
37 pts
Stuart Morrison (15)
36 pts
Davie Cowie (12)
35 pts

    Winners of the mini competitions were
  • Terry Young � nearest the pin in 2 on the 5th green.
  • Ian Galloway � longest drive on 7th fairway.
  • George Marshall - nearest the pin on the 17th green.
  • Tom Dow - Middle of the pack for outstanding mediocrity.
  • Hugh McCutcheon - Nearest the tee on 1st hole.

        Martin Smith - 28th March 2019
        President DREGGS

From the suggested dates members opted for Tuesday the 16th October for the DREGGS Autumn Outing to Milnathort Golf Club. Being a nine holes course members therefore had two cracks at the mini events and the competition was fierce. Overall it was an excellent day and there was some good golf played in favourable conditions. The outing was enjoyed by 16 members of the DREGGS with Alistair Simpson in attendance for the second nine holes.

First Second Third
Terry Young (21)
38 pts
Hugh NcCutcheon (28)
38 pts
Alan Millar (14)
36 pts

    Winners of the mini competitions were
  • Hugh McCutcheon � nearest the pin on 4th/13th green
  • Charles Norman � longest drive on 6th/15th
  • Hector Brodie - nearest the pin in 2 on 9th/18th
  • Hugh NcCutcheon & Alan Millar - Scratch 2s
  • Alan Daly - Middle of the pack for outstanding mediocrity

        Martin Smith - 16th October 2018
        President DREGGS

On display today, worn by DREGGS President, was his golf shirt bearing the appropriate logo left. Deemed necessary for all DREGGS members it is readily available on quality material at a very reasonable price. To order please contact DREGGS President Martin Smith for further information.

Of the possible dates listed members agreed Thursday the 12th April for the DREGGS Spring Outing to Shawpark GC. Spring Outing it may have been but there was a cold wind chill factor in a strong east wind making conditions far from easy. However, it was a good day out, there was no rain, and played in good spirit the golf was enjoyed and the hospitality and food provided greatly appreciated.

First Second Third
Bruce Neilson
Alan Millar
Jerry Cant

    Winners of the mini competitions were
  • Roger Sneddon � nearest the pin in two on the 3rd green
  • Terry Young � nearest the pin on the 4th green
  • Davie Cowie � longest drive at the 17th hole
  • Alistair Simpson - Nearest the tee at the 1st
  • Terry Young - Middle of the pack for outstanding mediocrity

John Young & Jim Adam safely down the middle
and enjoying the spectacular view of the Ochils.

President Martin Smith (right)
congratulates winner Bruce Neilson

Martin Smith - 12th April 2018
President DREGGS

(Note: See 'Gallery' for two full size pictures of the DREGGS at Schawpark)

Following the preferred dates listed members opted for Friday 29th September for the DREGGS Late Summer Outing to Dunning. Although there was an initial forecast of heavy rain it never arrived, it was dry, warm and sunny and with the course in excellent condition some fourteen members enjoyed a day of good golf and good company. In all it was a closely contested competition with 10 of the players within six shots of the winner.

First Second Third
Jim Adam (19)
33 pts
Mike O�Sullivan (25)
32 pts
Charlie Norman (15)
32 pts

    Winners of the mini competitions were
  • Charlie Norman � nearest the pin on the 4th green
  • Jim Adam � nearest the pin in two on the 7th green
  • George Marshall � longest drive at the 9th hole
  • Charlie Norman - winner of the putting competition
  • Nearest the tee at the 1st - Jim Roberston
  • Most golf played - Roger Sneddon

     (Note: Our thanks to Pickfords for helping Charlie carry home all his prizes.)

Martin Smith - 29 September 2017
President DREGGS

Following the preferred dates listed by members the DREGGS Spring Outing to Milnathort took place on Thursday 23rd March. There was a bitterly cold easterly wind but it was dry, the course was in good condition although all the bunkers were GUR (what a pity!). In all 19 golfers competed, fifteen playing the full eighteen holes, four playing nine only due to other commitments.

First Second Third
Mike O�Sullivan (25)
35 pts
Davie Cowie (14)
34 pts
John Young (12)
33 pts

    The mini competitions were won by
  • Hector Brodie � nearest the pin from the tee on 4th and 13th Holes
  • Charlie Norman � longest drive on 6th and 15th
  • George Marshall � nearest the pin in 2 shots at 9th and 18th holes.
  • (Note: Being a 9 hole course, there were two goes at the mini competitions but I believe the winners all got their shots during their first 9 holes.)
In the Novelty Category, Matt Mckillopp won a bottle of Lucozade for being nearest the tee on the first (to give him more 'oomph' next time out!) and Tom Dow won a double Mars bar for �the most golf played� (to sustain him during his next marathon round!).
The clubhouse facilities, the friendly staff and the condition of the course was excellent ~ we shall certainly return on another day.

Martin Smith - 24 March 2017
President DREGGS

© Copyright: Dollar Golf Club